Trapped in Zone One - Easter Holidays, Activities and Food Programme 2022 - Supported by Tower Hamlets Council

As part of Tower Hamlets Council’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme, we hosted a 2-week programme from 4-14 April 2022 for young females aged 10-16 from Tower Hamlets, providing creative and physical activity sessions during the Easter school holidays.

Over the course of the 2-weeks we themed our sessions to how the outdoors impacts young people’s wellbeing, incorporating trips to local gallery exhibitions, parks and greenspaces with a fitness workshop followed by a creative workshop of poetry and visual arts using only pencil and pastels creating a new body of work which will be take part on an upcoming exhibition at GreatArt in East London during London Arts and Health Creativity and Wellbeing Week 2022 from 16-22 May 2022.

'We enjoyed learning about nature, drawing and performing poetry that took us out of our comfort zone which was great'
- feedback from young people.


Date: 16-31 May 2022
Address: GreatArt, 49 Kingsland Road, London E2 8AG